Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Walmart #1920

This lady was chatting it up while scanning the milk. I made a joke about Facebook and she says "What's your status on Godbook." She paused sacking my groceries, all serious. I said , all serious, "I'm too busy checking my Fagmail, to know."


Wednesday, May 20, 2009


You A@$@#ole. That was my Brother.
You *@#$ I'll bite the #$%@ out of you next time!
I can taste you with my antenna. And soon you will taste defeat!

--Posted from Antranslation.com by user: SEXYthorax-107


Take that!

--Guy who owns the shoe that's crushing you.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Dude if your ridding around in your Mitsubishi Spider convertible with another guy. That's gay. You are gay, and him too. The two of you in the sun smiling and talking, wind in your gay hair, "G" "A" "Y" gay. That tekno music: gay. Convertibles are for lovers. If you not in love then keep the convertible up. You might as well have convertible pants. Get out of my lane with that.You've got my gay-dar stamp of DISapproval. It's not "Homo Observation Vertical", its "High Occupancy."

--HOV lane.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


This morning the traffic report said. "East bound 183 closed due to a truck that lost a load of glue, coyote seen fleeing the scene." What has happened to all my childhood heroes? They're still trapped by their violent behavior. It's crazy. Daffy Duck joining the NRA, or Sam joining Green Peace. For my generation, nothing compares to Bugs Bunny's death. (Beta-carotene overdose it was right in front of us the whole time) I guess they're people just like us; full of contradiction.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Oh my God I hate THEM. They're so gross. It's not right if you can cover them up, you need to. Uh! When men have them out it's like I can taste it, when I see them. Yuck! I hate it when they're left out like propped up and arched. The worst is if I touch them and if it's hard or long. GROSSS!

One time this guy I was dating wanted me to suck on it but that was the last time I ever talked to him. I don't do that. I hate the toes, the shape everything.
